

good morning adoring fans. [i could probably use a little adorning as well, but eh...]

as i am writing to you new windows are being installed!! yesssssss! the ringing of hammers and the whirring buzzes of drills are creating a symphony of glorious glorious music to my ears! its been a long time coming, and its finally here!!

this morning as karen and i debated the treacherous ice-laden roads from here to her office, the wonderful phone call came in - "confirming our installation of your windows in about an hour?" | "yes, please!" as i vaguely recall mentioning in some blog-past we had finally taken the step to order our windows a few weeks ago. they were supposed to call me back to schedule an installation time and karen and i were getting antsy as first one week, then two weeks, then two and a half weeks went by without a phone call [or the half down payment being debited from our account] until last week on i believe it was wednesday afternoon, during my lunch break while i was studying for the leed test with a co-worker, my cell phone rang with a most spectacular call - "hi, this is window world, im calling to schedule your window installation, how does next thursday sound?" | "fantastic!" well this morning next thursday officially became today and i awoke with excitement and anticipation. 
around 8:30am karen decided she did want to risk the roads and go into work after calling her office and confirming that there were in fact a large number of robots rolling into the office as usual. grr.... damn robots... anyway so we embarked on our journey downtown and to our surprise the roads were actually in fairly decent shape. traffic was still a little heavy but the roads were mostly clear on the way down. it took nearly half an hour to get to her office, but it took about 10 minutes to get back and greet the window installers with a huge smile and handshake. we'd left a key for them to get started as soon as theyd arrived and theyd done just that. as i pulled in behind a snow pile [with a chewy toyota center] and thoroughly succeeded in getting my truck very stuck [now?? after all we made it through the last two days? now it gets stuck?!] i was elated to find our installers had already unloaded the windows onto the porch and one guy was already removing a window from the second story front room. yee-haw! i cant imagine why, but i am in GREAT spirits this morning! 
well anyway, to fill you in on the details i have so far, the windows look amazing. i momentarily had a conversation with the fantastic neighbor across the street whom ive mentioned on occasion in the past and had the chance to see two fully installed windows smiling back at me. damn they look good! tracy was pleased as well, lol, our poor neighbors have had to suffer through the wreck of a house weve had so far just as much as we have, lol!
well at this point i was truly pleased with the progress and went inside to inspect the now mostly finished "closet" on the second floor. so i went in and there they were, gleaming in the sunlight as i played with one to see how smoothly it opened and closed... and thats when it happened. oh yes, thats when i noticed something else gleaming at me. the most awesome monstrosity of an icicle that i could ever have imagined!! awestruck, my shoulders slumped as i stared in wonder at its majestic radiance... even more excited than before i bolted downstairs to get my camera and capture its amazing essence. well, in my attempt to capture the beast from a good angle i was looking through various windows in the room and thats when it happened again. oh my god!!! theres more!! as a scanned the edge of our newly-constructed-although-not-quite-finished-box-gutter i saw dozens of spectacular ice formations riddling the gutter line and the ladder jacks that were buried in snow. overjoyed i went down the hall to an empty opening where the installers had finished removing a window and were on their own quest to find its new replacement and leaned out to find an amazing plethora of sights. i snapped dozens of photos there and down the hall from another window before running downstairs and outside to the side of the house for a different angle. and then... it happened again! even MORE amazing formations! the side of our house is covered in the most fantastic ice!! haha, im sure you all arent nearly as excited as i am, but these things are just sensational. karen and i went out last night after staring at a particularly large icicle on the neighbors house [through our one decent dining room window] convinced wed find some good ones in the front yard. but seeing as it was dark out and there was nothing good on the fence or front porch, we gave up, distraught and disappointed. if only we'd gone out sooner and crept around to the wonderland of glory on the side of our house!! i wish i could create a frozen museum out there and preserve the ice-scape!! anyway, ill quit boring you all with my silly fascination and instead get to some pictures! im only going to post a few here for you, but if youd like to see the entire myriad of awesomeness, you can check the my.pix link.

and without further adieu...


Anonymous said...

did the electrician ever show yesterday? Send pictures of the windows (I'd find that more fascinating than icicles--though I'm glad you are finding joy in a not so nice situation), do they caulk them as well, or do you need to follow behind them for that.

n/a said...

That last picture with the icicles..magnificent