!!-- WARNING! Due to the Graphic Content of this post, Parental Discretion is Advised. It is also suggested that you not eat within 30 minutes before or after reading this post. Possible symptoms may include: laughter, self-indignation, or eye-rolling. Women who are pregnant or are at risk of becoming pregnant should definitely, well... consider, not reading this post... i guess. Consult your PCP (Primary Care Physician... not the other stuff...) for further recommendations and advisements. --!!
speaking of google, i started using chrome again. its been roughly two years since i stopped. i was having any number of problems with a buggy beta version back then (one of which being flash compatibility - and speaking of buggy. flash 10.2, right? right? right? wow adobe....) so i gave up on it and found myself enjoying v3.whatever of safari at the time. then safari started to annoy me come v5 and ive been bouncing back and forth between it and firefox for the last year or so, but man, this new chrome. im feelin it! for the time being... i digs.
so anyway... i cant sleep.
ive been trying to get sick for the last few days apparently. it started with my usual allergic reaction to staying at the in-laws this weekend. they have cats, and while i love their cats (zoro y diablo es loco, lol) i some-how or other developed a cat allergy (not the like super severe, omg-im-going-into-anaphylactic-shock kind of allergy, but the itchy-watery-eyes-cant-sleep-oh-my-freaking-god-it-itches-make-it-stop!! kind, you know?) while away at grad school after having lived with a dozen or so of the creatures my entire childhood... rather odd in my humble opinion, but apparently it happens... anyway. thats how it started. then it moved on to becoming this just rather gross nasaly-itchy throat feeling. so i started on the meds, because thats how it always starts for me when i get sick... then yesterday i woke up just feeling like shit. spent the whole day in this state of clammy-sweaty, pale & flushed (yeah, tell me how the hell that happens at the same time), sloshy/sludgey stomach feeling. have you ever had that? where you feel like your abdomen has somehow been pumped full of some-kind of toxic ooze and its just sitting there, sloshing around everytime you move... that back and forth liquid movement feeling... ugh, its almost like getting sea-sick for the first time... anyway, so that was yesterday. so of course ive been taking the regular attack cocktail of aleve, some kind of otc multi-symptom cold thing, and the prescription strength pseudoephedrine on 12 hour intervals (well, the otc multi-symptom on 6 hours) anyway... so i think thats part of why i cant sleep. im in the middle of one of those mildly-dehydrated-over-pseudoephedrin-ated-drug-highs that makes you feel kind of spacey and light-headed, but at the same time the sinus drainage is coming back so the meds must be wearing off, so why do i feel like this, kind of things. youve been there right? this isnt another "just-me" thing is it? meh.... the other excuse for my mild/insomnia is that i went to bed at about 9:30 because i was feeling pretty shitty, and with work and getting up at 5:30 every morning, my body is getting itself into the pattern of only getting roughly 6.5 hours of sleep each night, and so... that would partially account for my being awake between 3:30 and 4, hm?
or... maybe its just day-light savings time throwing me off........ ? ;]
im suprisingly lucid right now given the self-medicated-ly induced, depreciated state of my higher-brain-function, and yes, i can maintatin the some-what linear thought patterns outlined by my title up there [which i almost always invent and refine before the commencing of the actual rambling on... is that odd? i feel like its backwards, like i was taught at some point along the way that the title is supposed to come last. like the writing will inform the title. but if i dont have a title, how am i supposed to know what im writing about? man, maybe i really am odd.....]
so mut-tacular. if you cant relatively guess at the meaning of this strange term, then you need sleep more than i do. context-clues people, context-clues. anyhow, its one of our many many ridiculous little nick-names (why not peter-names? or jo-names? why nick? who the hell was nick to get this extra-naming... naming rights?...) for the silly little dog that follows us around snoring - regardless off his state of consciousness, or the time of day, or his current activity. anyway, i just wanted to briefly talk about him. i dont know how, well... thats not true at all, i totally know how... but hes become ever increasingly ornery to the point of just, wow. this dog is so freaking spoilt. lordy... prime-example. i keep getting up to go to the bathroom or roll-over or get water or something, because i cant sleep, and everytime i come back to bed he just looks at me with his head on his paws, and makes this half-grunt, half-sigh sound as he cocks his little buggy-eyebrows at me. as if to say "would you effing quit it already? im trying to get my beauty rest here..." [did i mention hes a total queen? total...] anyway, if thats not enough, this last time this happened, i stop short of climbing in bed and go around to my wifes feet where hes sleeping to scratch his little head sympathetically, as if to say "sorry buddy, cant help it" at which point he decides that his cue to get up, walk over and on top of his mother, and plop down next to her head and right on my pillow. totally stealing my spot in the bed. can you believe this non-sense?? freaking little... so i walk around to my side of the bed, flabbergasted as i am, and he just cocks his head a little and scootches over closer to moms head so i can get in, all the while looking at me like "what? i didnt do anything..." seriously... this dog has freaking attitude... so then after i get in, he does this little number that hes gotten into the trend of. he splays out flat between us and buries his head between our pillows. lol! i tell you, if he didnt rub me the wrong way all the time with his obvious lack of respect and defiance towards me, id never stop laughing at him... well, actually, i dont. lol! realistically, karen and i are much-more-than-likely completely fabricating this entire personality that we've cooked up for him. but then again... he really is a total queen. its all based on reality, even if it is ever so slightly embellished in our odd little minds... oh mut-tacular.........
so the last couple of days, the last two [ring & pink] phalanges on my left hand, as well as the backside... [what do you call that? the karate chopper? ill have to inquire with my sensei...] from the end of the pink up to my wrist, have all been kind of just, numb. not like completely useless dentist lip numb, but like all the sensation has been drained from it and now theres this feeling thats just on the cusp of pins&needles, but not quite there. not painful, just... lacking the usual feeling - if that makes sense. and like all 22nd generationers [its 22now right? i cant keep up...] (i think i meant generation-y here... i was a little goofy on the meds, not entirely sure. forgive me.) of course i simply googled my symptoms to self-diagnose... myself. my first thought was stroke, yeah, gotta be stroke. or something... anyhow, carpal-tunnel was basically the only search result that came up. dozens and dozens of comments and keywords about carpal-tunnel. what-ever. i think this whole carpal-tunnel thing is a joke. we've been hearing about it for a decade, but ive never believed it was real... besides, why my left hand? im a righty. i do all the clicking with the right. clickity clickity click. all freaking day. you ever drawn in cad? thats a lot of effing clicks. but noooo no, if im to believe i have carpal-tunnel, because the all-knowing gods of the inter-google-webs say so of course, then its because of some b.s. poor keyboard posture? heh, what keyboard posture? i never learned to type. i took a typing class, but that home-keys crap. nah. not for me. i make up my own rules. i type just about as fast as the next guy [hell these long-winded posts typically only take me 45minutes to an hour] and a lot of the time im not even looking at the keyboard. especially for the letters l, pl, tr, f, s, m, cp, ro, ma & xref - LOL! [heh, cad humor. love it!]
hah, how about that. my alarm just went off. guess its time to go hop in the shower and start my day, lol. great timing, i was pretty much out of things to say at this point anyhow. well kiddos, until next time....
...stay anticipated.
[timestamp published 5:38, timestamp initiated 4:37]